• What Can You Do With a Biology Degree?

    Biological science is the study of life and is therefore one of the broadest subjects you can study. Biology encompasses everything from the molecular study of life processes right up to the study of animal and plant communities https://www.topuniversities.com/ More»

  • A Biology Degress and Careers in Biology

    Biology degrees focus on the science of the natural world, the study of medicine and health occupations, and even niches in education. A biology degree might be the first step toward dispensing drugs at a pharmacy, making rounds as a seasoned doctor, creating a plan to help save certain wildlife or preserved areas, working with zoo animals, or teaching these wonders to students on every educational level – and that’s just for starters. This page focuses on what students can expect from their biology degree pursuit and the variety of jobs available to them when they complete their education.www.learnhowtobecome.org Explore»

  • 15 Biology Careers and Job Types

    If you're thinking about studying for a biology degree, or you have one already, these are the kinds of jobs you could be doing. We've searched numerous job sites to come up with an a-z list of the 15 major types of careers where a biology degree is useful. Biology is offered as a major in a 3-year Bachelor of Science degree in Australia. You can also do a double major, adding another specialisation in a science or non-science (e.g. business or arts) discipline. An honours (4th year) is also offered to students with good grades. mallory.com Explore»