Panthers are powerful, spiritual and courageous animal who do not fear  anyone or anything. Panthers are solitary animals.They are expert in hunting .A Panther can leap up to
20 feet. They have excellent eye sight and sense of hearing. They have strong and large paws and sharp claws that are used for hunting. They never bow down to anyone .They always walk without fear and keeping their head up. I Archi Shah ,the house captain of Panther House  will always maintain my house to be in leading position. In every activity and international sports , I will always represent my school at the lead ,being respectful to others , polite and helpful  to all, trustworthy  and honest to them . As powerful Panthers we will do our work with full enthusiasm and power. Leadership is an opportunity to serve. I would like to create an atmosphere of respect in classrooms and even among students. I will be  a good leader for my house as well as the students of our school. I will give my best than the other house captains or members so that  they get inspired and obey. To treat everyone equally is my responsibility .So, I will do it by all my strength.Being a part of the powerful Panthers ,we will always be at the leading position .As the Panther alone does not  fight , he fights with his group. I will maintain that students will always co-ordinate with each other and help them in all possible way. I will be very good and responsible towards my house and school . My aim is to always keep my house and school in a leading position .We the powerful  Panthers will always be respectful and helpful to others.