Mr. Shankar Kumar Bose (1947-2010) - Late Founder

founder sHRI s.k. bose - 'the star that shines above us'

Was he a dreamer?! Was he a visionary ?!! or Was he a farmer ?!!! He actually was all the three combined together .A dreamer because he dreamt big. A visionary because he could visualize his dreams. A farmer ! Yes!!! But not the one who tills the soil but one that sows seeds . Seeds of the knowledge, social equality, well being and of course education. Thus a quarter of a century ago he had sown the seed of a school for children in our society. And slowly but surely it grew into a sapling and then into a small plant battling all odds of nature while learning the brunt of social misdemeanors too. As time flew the plant grew into a tree. A tree of knowledge and literacy in the sense of time. That tree is big now and still growing and its roots are firmly embedded into the ground.

The trunk (The Management) manages to hold and support the entire tree. The branches are the teachers and staff who strive hard to impart and deliver knowledge to all the leaves of the tree. (The students) and the flowers and the fruits are the merit listers and achievers who bring trophies, awards and accolades to this beautiful tree for glorification in society today. In the vast garden of education and knowledge this tree exists by the name of St. John High School founded in 1993 , the founder being the star that shines above us in the sky like the polestar. We know he is guiding and blessing us in that our endeavours to succeed and prove ourselves.

We salute our founder Shri S.K. Bose for leaving a legacy like this tree of knowledge which we all shall strive together to keep it growing and growing for all times to come. And how we do it only the star that shines above will tell!     

Chairman's message

St. John School was just a dream 25 years ago which has been transformed into reality, thanks to the vision of eminent educationist Late Shri Shankar Kumar Bose ..

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Vision and Philosophy

To become a revered institution while grooming the child of today to be a capable, responsible, performing citizen andenabling growth holistically by creating a..

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Core Values

Academic performance is important for many reasons. It can open the door to opportunity and pave the way for future success, both in higher education and professionally; however, we..

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Principal's Desk

Welcome of St.John High School ! Our Commitment at St. John High School is to produce a safe and intellectually challenging environment to the ..

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