Mrs. Bithika Ghosh - Principal


Welcome of the St.John School. Our Commitment at St. John High School is to produce a safe and intellectually challenging environment to the students. This is the mission of our school. We believe that every child is unique and valuable and we at St John take utmost care at cater to the needs of our students. We produce a wide range of educational cultural and social exposure and activities tp our children taking into consideration their age, ability and needs. St John our management, school authority and teachers constantly examine possibilities of improvement and apply skills to make positive choices about physical and mental wellness. We endeavour to contribute to the society and prepare our students to face the future challenges. Our School has a very good bonding and relationship with our esteemed parents. We appreciate their support. Our pursuit of bringing a paradigm shift from teaching to learning continues to set St. John High School as future focused.

Our assessment system helps students to question, think, reason and analyse. Rote learning can take a back seat here. We like to apply our teaching learning to our day-to-day situations. Professional training helps the teachers of our school to stay ahead and implement the latest trends in education. The desire for overall improvement and achieving excellence is insatiable. We always like to improve our quality of teaching-learning practices. While we celebrate the success of our meritorious students, we take pride in giving opportunity to all at school. We have a sizable number of students who have special educational needs and who achieve as per their abilities.

They say that there exists a thin dividing line that separates a good school from a truly great school. I am happy to say that in our twenty-fifth year, we are moving steadily along the journey to greatness, and it is a pleasure to be accompanied on this journey by so many wonderful people and parents.

For over more than 2 decades St. John High School has provided an educational offering that has allowed its graduating students the opportunity to take up study at renowned Universities around the world. At the same time, however, those attributes espoused at St. John High School provide the cornerstone to an all round education that is critical in developing well rounded young people who will make a positive and productive contribution to the world in which they live well beyond school. These are lived as well as taught in the every day life of school.

In the end, no words can perfectly convey the true spirit and sense of serving the community that exists in a school. Thus, I hope you will take the opportunity to visit us in order to get a better sense of what a special place we have here at St. John High School. I hope that our website will assist you in learning about St John High School.

Great things happen when you are a part of St John High School...!

Chairman's message

St. John School was just a dream 25 years ago which has been transformed into reality, thanks to the vision of eminent educationist Late Shri Shankar Kumar Bose ..

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Vision and Philosophy

To become a revered institution while grooming the child of today to be a capable, responsible, performing citizen andenabling growth holistically by creating a..

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Academic performance is important for many reasons. It can open the door to opportunity and pave the way for future success, both in higher education and professionally; however, we..

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Principal's Desk

Welcome of St.John High School ! Our Commitment at St. John High School is to produce a safe and intellectually challenging environment to the ..

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