Lions are known to be the symbol of strength and courage from
the history .They are known as the King of the Jungle. They
are the bravest animal in the jungle .The way of their hunting is
different from other animals. Being a Lion makes us feel
privileged and it seems like the Lion House has selected a
path – the path of success ,glory and victory. I am the House Captain of Lion House.
Panthers are powerful, spiritual and courageous animal
who do not fear anyone or anything. Panthers are solitary
animals.They are expert in hunting .A Panther can leap up to
20 feet. They have excellent eye sight and sense of hearing.
They have strong and large paws and sharp claws that are
used for hunting. They never bow down to anyone .They
always walk without fear and keeping their head up.
The peregrine Falcon is the most common bird of prey in the
world and is found on every continent besides Antartica. They
are known for their incredible hunting skills and being a
ruthless ,dominant predator within their environment .The
Falcon is a solar emblem for success , victory and rising above
a situation. Futher evidence of its solar influence the Falcon
was symbolic of the rising sun in Egypt.
Dragon is a monster like a giant reptile. But in East Asia it
is usually a beneficent symbol of fertility. Dragons are highly
advanced social creatures and can be very emotional at very
times. There are good and evil dragons , but there are good and
evil humans too. Dragons are very loyal to each other. Dragons
enjoy thrills and hunting . They are very powerful . There are
no words to describe their powers.